I am a hand embroidery artist based in Brooklyn. I always have a new embroidery in the works, but let me know if you’d like to commission something!
If you want to embroider something of your own and are having trouble figuring out what colors to use stop by my website colorskein.
Colorskein is a site I created as my capstone project in the Flatiron School Full Stack Web Development program, from which I graduated in January 2023. I made it with a React front end and Ruby on Rails backend.
Colorskein is still a work in progress. Right now you can upload an image and the website will use the colors in that image to find you the closest DMC thread color, then you can adjust the thread color from light too dark if you need a different option. I'm working on adding even more options for adjusting colors.
Here's an example with the project I’m starting:
Put in an image URL to get the colors of the image, which are then translated into DMC thread colors
Contact me!